Legal Opinion

Legal opinion is a legal opinion written by advocates, legal consultants, and legal experts for the benefit of their clients which can be used to avoid future problems or to solve existing problems. legal opinions can also explain the legal problems that clients are facing.

Legal Opinions include identification of legal problems, identification of legal facts, inventory of legal rules, application of regulations to problems, making legal analysis, and making conclusions that answer legal problems faced.

In the Legal Opinion of Advocates, legal consultants and experts will explain in detail about the legal problems that will be or are being faced by clients, starting from identifying the problem in translating laws, jurisprudence, and legal facts in language that is easily understood by clients so that clients get a solution for every problem it faces.

Legal Opinions can answer all existing legal problems, ranging from criminal law, civil law, state administration, can also analyze an agreement, provide the legal opinion for the Indonesian branch for foreign companies planning to enter the capital market, provide investigation reports and analysis of laws and regulations for foreign companies that will invest in Indonesia projects, and many other purposes.