The QUEEN LAW FIRM advocates who are members of the Indonesian Lawyers Association and Legal Consultants (PPKHI) attended the National Work Meeting event held at the Amos Koji Hotel, Jakarta, in the meeting held on 12 to 13 October, attended by the chairperson and PPKHI Trustees and DPN staff and also attended by all PPKHI members throughout Indonesia.

In the event, advocates are guided to be able to compete in the DIGITAL world and follow the development of the Age in terms of legal services to all its clients, all Advocates are expected to be able to serve clients more practically, economically and quickly in their services by using technological sophistication in the form of Website, Email and Social media. Supported by technological sophistication makes it easy for the client in consultation without having to come all the way to the office of the Advocate in question.

By following the event, we advocates from QUEEN LAW FIRM hope to provide the best service to all clients without time and space.

Our Law Firm Cooperate with Department Law & Human Rights

On Monday June 04, 2018, Our  Law Firm followed socialization and Accreditation in Department Law & Human Rights. with the holding of this cooperation is expected to help more poor people who have legal problems. with a wider range.

The purpose of this cooperation is one of our dedication to the community in order to help women and children ksusnya and the wider community in general, hopefully with this cooperation we can provide better services to the community in need.

Meeting Lawyers of PPKHI

Queen Law Firm was invited to attend the 2018 Annual High Level Meeting of PPKHI to discuss matters relating to training and assessment of Indonesian lawyers in the first quarter of 2018.

As Indonesia becomes more and more important in the global economy, there are a large number of legal issues that come with it. As Indonesia’s outstanding team of lawyers, Queen Law Firm will help overseas businesses and individuals to invest in Indonesia, and make contributions to local economic development.

Launch Queen Law Firm Site

On December 15, 2017 Queen Law Firm launched its Web site to keep pace with the evolving digital age, the web is expected to help clients seeking justice can easily access legal aid from our law firm.

In this website the client can easily do legal consultation without having to come directly to our office, for consultation the client can send massage at homepage to us about problem you have faced then we will reply your masage with advise that can be done and if there is the necessary documents you just send it so that the legal process that you experience can tersurunikan quickly and easily.

Taking Advocate Oath 2017

On an ongoing basis, PPKHI conducts education to produce qualified Advocates by conducting trainings, UPA, PKPA and and oaths for qualified Advocates.

In accordance with the mission of PPKHI who want advocat in every sub-district then on December 19, 2017 PPKHI do activities in the form of advocate oath in west java court, to support advocate especially west java area to be able to law in court.