Deception Under the Guise of Marriage

On Tuesday, February 12, 2019, Queen’s Law Firm was entrusted to become an agent of a well-known Indonesian female entrepreneur in a civil lawsuit.

Interestingly in this case, the ex-husband of the female entrepreneur was only intended to share her business profits. When the female entrepreneur saw the true purpose of the irresponsible man, she chose to divorce and did not get it. The ex-husband of any benefit, under the anger of anger, a complaint, took the female entrepreneur to the court and demanded to divide the huge amount of property.

This is a very meaningful case for the majority of female friends. In this materialistic society, female friends must always be vigilant, so as not to become victims of men with special purposes. Instead of being accused of going to court after divorce, it is better to strictly check the other person’s character before marriage. . Love is blind, but blind love is also dangerous.

Of course, female friends should not be patient or even evade when they encounter legal difficulties. Instead, they must stand up bravely and seek legal help to resist those injustices. We, Queen’s Law Firm, are always ready to lend a helping hand to the majority of female friends.

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