Month: June 2022

The Role and Function of Retainer

The term retainer may be foreign to most people, so there are still many people who question whether it is a retainer? The retainer is a legal relationship between a lawyer and his client where the legal relationship is continuous and continuous in general, the legal relationship is carried out for a minimum of one year, so it can be said that the Retainer is a Permanent Legal Counsel.

Basically, Retainers can be used by companies or individuals before a legal problem occurs or after a legal problem occurs, with the function of protecting the company so that legal problems do not occur.

The function of the retainer for the company is as a legal consultant who can handle litigation and non-litigation cases including:


In litigation cases, the retainer can help the client represent, accompany and provide legal assistance as a plaintiff or defendant, petitioner or respondent, and as a witness in a civil case while in a criminal case the retainer can help a client represent, assist and provide legal assistance as a reporter or the reported, suspect or defendant in a legal case.


In non-litigation cases, the retainer functions as a legal advisor who provides legal explanations and views in accordance with Indonesian law relating to companies.

The scope of the retainer in non-litigation includes making agreements, reviewing agreements, making legal opinions, legal drafting, legal audits, preparing GMS documents, and helping to take care of the required company permits.

In using retainer services in a legal matter, it is highly recommended for the client, because it has greater advantages than using the services of an ordinary lawyer. These advantages include reducing the cost of legal consultants and providing varied services that can help with litigation and non-litigation problems so that they are not fixed on one case and can even solve several cases at the same time.