Month: November 2020

Prison Punishment = Punishment for Family

Remind all those who are about to commit, are, or intend to commit illegal/criminal activities, they must remember that there are relatives, parents, children, and wives waiting for your return at home. Once you are subject to criminal penalties, not only are you alone but also your parents, wife, and children. Legally, you must take responsibility for what you have done, but if you are imprisoned, your parents, wife, and children will suffer unnecessary joint punishments for this. Such punishments may be financial. It may also be spiritual. Many times, because they worry about you, they have to give up a comfortable life, cut rations and family expenses, and even owe debts so that they can send food and other necessities to prison, just to make you feel less in prison. Bit bitter.

As lawyers dealing with criminal defense, we must often go to prison to meet with clients. We often see elderly mothers wandering in the queue for visits carrying food to be sent to prison. There are also many women with toddlers sitting in chairs with sad faces waiting to see their husbands. They are worried about the condition of their husbands in prison, while the innocent children are still playing, not knowing what happened to their father. For criminals of foreign nationality, their families need to raise money to buy air tickets and travel all the way to an unfamiliar country, even if they are separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, in their minds, what they want to visit is not a criminal, but a relative.

Stay away from all kinds of illegal and criminal acts, because that is the best way to love and protect your family.