Month: October 2019


The QUEEN LAW FIRM advocates who are members of the Indonesian Lawyers Association and Legal Consultants (PPKHI) attended the National Work Meeting event held at the Amos Koji Hotel, Jakarta, in the meeting held on 12 to 13 October, attended by the chairperson and PPKHI Trustees and DPN staff and also attended by all PPKHI members throughout Indonesia.

In the event, advocates are guided to be able to compete in the DIGITAL world and follow the development of the Age in terms of legal services to all its clients, all Advocates are expected to be able to serve clients more practically, economically and quickly in their services by using technological sophistication in the form of Website, Email and Social media. Supported by technological sophistication makes it easy for the client in consultation without having to come all the way to the office of the Advocate in question.

By following the event, we advocates from QUEEN LAW FIRM hope to provide the best service to all clients without time and space.

The 10th China Service Trade Association Annual Meeting

On September 27-29, 2019 QUEEN LAW FIRM sent its representative, GUAN YUE, to attend the annual meeting of the Chinese trade and services association held in Zhangjiajie, Hu Nan.

This forum is to understand the direction of China’s economic policy as well as to explore investment opportunities in Indonesia, on that occasion present at the main speakers from the government, academics, observers and economic actors from various fields of business in China as well as Advocates and Law Firms throughout the World.

In the meeting discussing the prospects for trade and investment, the impact of the Chinese-US trade complex, the prospects of digital economics for cross-border e-commerce development, technological innovation pioneering economic cooperation and others were the topics of discussion in this annual forum.

In this annual forum, Indonesia has become one of China’s investment destinations, with Law No. 39 of 2009 concerning Special Economic Zones (KEK) can attract a lot of Investors from China in this case the Queen Law Firm gets a big enough share as a Law Firm that directly involved in the Investment activity.