Month: February 2019

Indonesian Supreme Court Promotes E-court System

In order to realize the principle of Simple, Fast and Low Cost in the judiciary, the Indonesian government issued a new policy namely the Supreme Court Regulation Number 3 of 2018 concerning the implementation of e-court.

In the framework of this implementation, the Indonesian Supreme Court cooperated with Advocate Organizations to disseminate information about the e-court, such socialization was carried out throughout Indonesia.

The E-court is very helpful for Advocates in carrying out their duties, making advocate work simpler and faster, with the e-court advocates have been able to register cases at the office without having to go to court, and payment of down-payment cases is easier because it can be done via transfer because the e-court itself has collaborated with several banks throughout Indonesia.

By Eni Oktaviani, SH

Deception Under the Guise of Marriage

On Tuesday, February 12, 2019, Queen’s Law Firm was entrusted to become an agent of a well-known Indonesian female entrepreneur in a civil lawsuit.

Interestingly in this case, the ex-husband of the female entrepreneur was only intended to share her business profits. When the female entrepreneur saw the true purpose of the irresponsible man, she chose to divorce and did not get it. The ex-husband of any benefit, under the anger of anger, a complaint, took the female entrepreneur to the court and demanded to divide the huge amount of property.

This is a very meaningful case for the majority of female friends. In this materialistic society, female friends must always be vigilant, so as not to become victims of men with special purposes. Instead of being accused of going to court after divorce, it is better to strictly check the other person’s character before marriage. . Love is blind, but blind love is also dangerous.

Of course, female friends should not be patient or even evade when they encounter legal difficulties. Instead, they must stand up bravely and seek legal help to resist those injustices. We, Queen’s Law Firm, are always ready to lend a helping hand to the majority of female friends.

Use of Foreign Workers in Indonesia

In the Act No. 20 of 2018 concerning the Use of Foreign Workers, foreign workers users are required to provide workshops with certain positions and within a specified period of time, and must prioritize the use of Indonesian workers in all available positions. But if there is no personnel Indonesian employment that is incapable in the position, is then employed by foreign workers.

Foreign workers are also prohibited from occupying positions that take care of certain personnel and / or positions determined by the minister.

Every foreign workers users  must have a Planning for the Use of Foreign Workers (RPTKA) issued by the Minister of Religion and a designated official, which contains:
1. Reasons for using Foreign Workers;
2. Position of Foreign Workers in the organizational structure of the company concerned;
3. The period of use of Foreign Workers;
4. Appointment of Indonesian workers as a companion for Foreign Workers employed.

Requests for ratification of Planning for the Use of Foreign Workers submitted by foreign workers users must attach:
1. Business license from the authorized agency;
2. Letter of establishment of the company issued by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights;
3. Chart of the organizational structure of the company;
4. A statement letter to show the accompanying workforce and the implementation of work education and training; and
5. Statement letter to implement education and job training for Indonesian workers in accordance with the qualifications of positions occupied by foreign workers.

Planning for the Use of Foreign Workers Approval is given by the minister or appointed official no later than 2 days after the application is received in full.

By Eni Oktaviani